Zhaly.kom - media star
People know that Zhaly.kom is popular editor of Czech mag Orienteering and he prepare some pieces of shit like reports or interviews. But I think they don`t know that He has got plentiful collection of interviews where He perform on the other side - as object of publicity.
All the distressful way to glory has started in 1999 when He was 16. Well known Swedish mag Skogssport published interview with young Czech star in the 4th issue and you could read it here - in Swedish, of course.
Next public presentation came with World SMIK Championship title in 2005 or more precisely in 2006. Editress of school newspapers published on VŠE somewhere found out that He had won World Champ and made very long story about him and orienteering. First part you can see and read beside this text, second part is here.
And finally last interview was done by Jiřin.biz as the promotion for Czech national long Champ in Vizovice. Text mainly about commentation is available here.
Who will be next in order? MF Dnes, Reflex, Sorry, Květy, Spy, Playboy or Myslivost?
Congratulations! Another great success! Look at dlabaja.com Wow!
Admittedly my popularity is growing to incredible dimensions and I am becoming immortal. But I have to stay on ground, stop with the cloud-castle building and continue from race to race, because ball is round and relays are flat.
Možná si Zhaly našel způsob, jak prorazit s orientačním během do médii ;-)
Doufám, že dáš i Myslivost, SMIK by neměl zůstat poslední inovátorskou disciplínou OB. Určitě by se dalo využít třeba agresivity některých myslivců a přidat i klasickému OB trochu adrenalinu. Ve Zlíně při nočáku už pár lampionů téměř dostali... Přeci jen sršeň není nejnebezpečnější "zvíře" v lese.
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